Use the strafe buttons (LS and RS) whenapproaching an unexplored section. Strafe into it, then back.This will allow the room to be viewed, and if there is somethingthere, it will not have enough time to react.
The last level of the game is not very difficult tocomplete. The exit is in the bottom left hand portion of the mapscreen, and the Talisman section is in the area of the top rightsection of the map.
There are two keys on the Grave Cave level that mustbe obtained to complete the section. One is at the bottom leftsection of the map; the other is in the top right portion. Oncethey are collected, use them to open the bottom door (which leadsto the Talisman) and the top door (which leads to the exit).
On the level with all the doors, the door on the rightside of the top section takes you to the Exit. The door to theTalisman is in a door in the center of the map. This door is atthe bottom of the right side.