Dragon's Lair

Dragon's Lair

Dragon's Lair

You're in for the adventure of your life... Enter the world of 3DO with Dragon's Lair! This full arcade version is packed with spectacular animation and sound, bringing Dragon's Lair to life like never before! You control the actions of Dirk the Daring, a valiant knight on a quest to rescue the fair Princess from the clutches of an evil dragon. Fight your way through the castle of a dark wizard who has enchanted it with treacherous monsters and obstacles. Lead on brave adventurer... your quest awaits!


Dragon's Lair

You're in for the adventure of your life... Enter the world of 3DO with Dragon's Lair! This full arcade version is packed with spectacular animation and sound, bringing Dragon's Lair to life like never before! You control the actions of Dirk the Daring, a valiant knight on a quest to rescue the fair Princess from the clutches of an evil dragon. Fight your way through the castle of a dark wizard who has enchanted it with treacherous monsters and obstacles. Lead on brave adventurer... your quest awaits!

Action > Arcade
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Unlimited lives

Press Up, Down, Left, Right,Up, Down, Left, Right, P atthe title screen.
wlrrie ramnti fuipvut

View FMV sequences

Start a game and allow Dirk to lose all five lives.Press Right(2), Left(2), Down(2), Up(2),P at the continue screen. The game will restart and showall losing and winning scenes.


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