When an enemy "sniper" is found, use a single soldier against him. The bazooka sniper will always aim where your soldier was if you keep moving. Note: If you brought a squad with you, the troops at back would have been killed.
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Note: A disc is required to use the following codes.
The Supa Dupa weapons are hidden in various missions as noted below.
Search the indicated location to find the corresponding weapon.
The 999 Recruits Remaining code in the Game Guru'sinternal library will cause the game to crash after 360 soldiershave been killed. In order to continue from this point, a newgame must be started and patched with the last mission and phasecompleted. Due to the complexity of the saved game file, whichsaves the kills and rank of every soldier, the Game Guru willstate that there are "TOO MANY CHANGES" when attemptingto create a standard Game Guru code. Thus, the following manualprocedure must be used to create a saved game that can be continued:
Note that this may place your phases out of sync. For example,the last phase of the Jungle More Jungle, "Donkeytastic",may appear as the first phase of Chiller Thriller Killer, whichis the next mission. This may be corrected by editing offset 24after the next mission has been completed and saved.