Two Worlds
Two Worlds
Two Worlds combines the dynamic combat system with freedom of exploration to deliver a game in which players have a real chance to shape the game world with their actions - to an extent that has yet to seen in other productions. This premise is supported with a strong, non-linear storyline and stunning combat sequences. The world comes to life as it immediately reacts to the player's actions and changes accordingly - offering new and exciting challenges.
Two Worlds combines the dynamic combat system with freedom of exploration to deliver a game in which players have a real chance to shape the game world with their actions - to an extent that has yet to seen in other productions. This premise is supported with a strong, non-linear storyline and stunning combat sequences. The world comes to life as it immediately reacts to the player's actions and changes accordingly - offering new and exciting challenges.
Two Worlds
Two Worlds combines the dynamic combat system with freedom of exploration to deliver a game in which players have a real chance to shape the game world with their actions - to an extent that has yet to seen in other productions. This premise is supported with a strong, non-linear storyline and stunning combat sequences. The world comes to life as it immediately reacts to the player's actions and changes accordingly - offering new and exciting challenges.
Two Worlds combines the dynamic combat system with freedom of exploration to deliver a game in which players have a real chance to shape the game world with their actions - to an extent that has yet to seen in other productions. This premise is supported with a strong, non-linear storyline and stunning combat sequences. The world comes to life as it immediately reacts to the player's actions and changes accordingly - offering new and exciting challenges.
Reality Pump, SouthPeak Games
Role-Playing > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Cheat Codes/Hints
Learn 5 skills (5 points)
Learn 10 skills (10 points)
Learn 20 skills (20 points)
Learn all skills (50 points)
Reached Skill Level 10 (20 points)
Reached Character Level 5 (5 points)
Reached Character Level 10 (10 points)
Reached Character Level 20 (10 points)
Reached Character Level 35 (20 points)
Reached Character Level 50 (50 points)
Discovered 10 Locations (10 points)
Discovered 20 Locations (10 points)
Discovered 50 locations (20 points)
Visited All Black towers (5 points)
Visited All Graveyards (10 points)
Visited 10 Undergrounds (10 points)
Visited 20 Undergrounds (20 points)
Visited All Undergrounds (20 points)
Visited All Locations (50 points)
Rode a Horse (5 points)
Made Successful Teleportation (5 points)
Created a Potion (5 points)
Created a Permanent Potion (20 points)
Created a Bomb (10 points)
Created a Weapon Enhancer (15 points)
Created Class 2 Item (5 points)
Created Class 10 Item (15 points)
Opened Hard Difficulty Lock (10 points)
Killed a Dragon (10 points)
Killed a Stone Golem (10 points)
Used a Boosted Spell (5 points)
Cast Chamber 5 Spell (10 points)
Summoned a Creature (5 points)
Found the Relic Frame (20 points)
Found the Water Element (20 points)
Found the Air Element (20 points)
Found the Fire Element (20 points)
Found the Earth Element (20 points)
Delivered the Relic to Qudinar (20 points)
Destroyed the Great Pentagram (25 points)
Defeated the Grand Enemy (370 points)
Always Make Permanent Potions
Ever get tired of throwin' a bunch of rare, permanent ingredients in that pot and they just come out as some crappy poison attribute? Well, if you throw in a regular potion (Health or Mana works!) into the pot with your permanent ingredients, it stays permanent. The quality is reduced, but you can't use the ingredients without Alchemy anyway, so who cares! Enjoy pwning everything while being too good for your level.
Avoiding a full inventory
Complete the quest to obtain the three Teleport Stones. You can now create a system where your inventory will never be full to the point that you will miss valuable treasure. Leave one of the three stones in Tharbakin. Whenever your inventory gets full, throw down a second stone and teleport back to Tharbakin. Go to a nearby merchant, sell your unwanted items, then teleport back to your previous location.
Bonus items
Hold LB + RB and press A to display the console window. Press X to display a virtual keyboard. Enter BonusCode [code] to spawn the corresponding bonus item. Note: Enabling a bonus item will not prevent achievements from being unlocked. Each item can only be spawned once per game. Values for [code] are as follows.
Armor of Darkness: 9728-1349-2105-2168
Aziraal's Sword of Fire: 9470-4690-1542-1152
Great Shield of Yatolen: 9470-6557-8820-9563
Spear of Destiny: 9144-3879-7593-9224
The Great Bow of Heaven's Fury: 9447-1204-8639-0832
Cheat mode
Hold LB + RB and press A to display the console window. Press X to display a virtual keyboard. Enter TwoWorldsCheats 1 to enable cheat mode.
Code - Effect
ec.dbg addskillpoints - Add skill points
AddExperiencePoints - Additional experience points
AddGold - Additional gold
AddParamPoints - Additional parameter points
Additional skill points - AddSkillPoints
Bonuscode 9728-1349-2105-2168 - Armor of Darkness
BonusCode 9470-4690-1542-1152 - Aziraal's Sword of Fire
Spawn lockpick - Create Lockpick
Spawn teleport activator - Create Teleport_Activator
TwoWorldsCheats 0 - Disable cheat mode
ec.dbg levelup - Level Up
ec.dbg skills - Makes all skills available
ResetFog - Full map
Bonuscode 9470-6557-8820-9563 - Great Shield of Yatolen
Create Spawn indicated item
Bonuscode 9470-6557-8820-9563 - Spear of Destiny
Jump2 - Teleport to pointer location
Bonuscode 9447-1204-8639-0832 - The Great Bow of Heaven's Fury
PhysX.Door.RemoveAll 1 - Walk through doors and walls
Creating permanent potions
Creating this type of potion depends on your Alchemy skill. However if you do not have any skill in Alchemy, take the item that increases the attribute (willpower, strength, fire protection, etc.) and combine it with a potion (mana or health only). For example, if you take an item that increases your strength by 10 and combine it with a potion that heals 250 points, you will typically get a potion that gives you a +1 (or +2) to strength and heals about 150 points. If you take two of the item that increases your attribute by 10 plus a health/mana potion, you get a better result (about +6 in the attribute). Your alchemy skill will increase this, but with other skills that may be more useful (stone skin, or magic), this is generally what you will get.
Duplicate gold
This trick requires two players in multi-player mode. Join a game with your partner. Go into a trade screen. Pull up the amount of gold screen but do not choose an amount. Set the slider all the way over to the maximum amount. When it is at that position, rapidly tap A as fast as possible. When you take your gold back it should have doubled. Repeat this until you have a few hundred million.
Duplicate items
Use the following trick to duplicate any item (armor, potions, spells). It requires multi-player mode. One player must save his character by dropping any non-valuable item on the ground. Have that person sell all of his gear (items, potions, spells, or whatever you wish to duplicate) to the nearest vendor. Then, a partner should buy all of the previous equipment. Once the partner has all of the equipment bought, have the first player go to his Xbox Dashboard (thus not saving his character after the selling). Both characters should now have copies of all the items. This is especially useful for getting weapons that do 1 million damage, armors that are stacked thousands of times, and massive amounts of stat point potions. For example, duplicate a level 10 Anathros and add it to your original level 10 . It is now 20. Repeat to get 20 to 40, and so forth.
Duplicate weapons
This trick requires the Disarming Shot skill in multi-player mode. Have your partner equip and pull out his weapon. Use Disarming Shot to "steal" his weapon. Once the weapon has dropped, have your partner go to the Xbox Dashboard. This will not save his character, and you will have a "copy" of his weapon. This is very useful if you have many weapons you want to duplicate. Just have him equip it, shoot him, equip a new weapon, shoot him, and repeat.
Easy Cash (Thief)
For some easy cash early in the game, pick thief as your class. Get into the first town, called Kormorin, and get your thief’s lockpicking skill up a couple of levels. Start breaking into houses and take stuff from the two houses closest to the teleporter. Then, just sell the items to the trader nearby.