Transformers: The Game

Transformers: The Game

Transformers: The Game

Transformers: The Game

ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock

Cheat mode

Press one of the following codes at the "New Game" screen.

Note: Enabling the following codes will lock all extra content and block you from Xbox Live game scores.

Code - Effect

Ammo no reloaded
Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down

Bonus Cybertron missions
Right, Up, Up, Down, Right, Left, Left

No traffic, police, or military
Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right

Play as Jazz Generation 1 version
Left, Up, Up, Down, Left, Up, Right

Play as Optimus Prime Generation 1 version
Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Right, Right

Play as Starscream Generation 1 version
Right, Down, Left, Left, Down, Up, Up

Unlimited health
Press Left, Left, Up, Left, Right, Down, Right at the menu with the "Campaign", "Bonus", and "Options" selections.

Unlock All Missions
Go to "Campaign -> Bonus Features -> Credits menu" and enter Down, Up, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Down.

Unlock Megatron G1 Version
Press Down, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Up at the menu with the "Campaign", "Bonus", and "Options" selections.

Unlock Robovision Optimus Prime
Down, Down, Up, Up, Right, Right, Right.

Defeating Decepticons

Go to "The Suburbs" or "More Than Meets the Eye" levels. Go to the power plant. There is already a Decepticon there, but you can also bring one there. You will see some capsules marked "Danger, High Voltage". There are about 100 of them at the power plant. Pick up a capsule and throw it at the Decepticon. The capsule is highly explosive and causes quite a lot of damage. Make sure you are not caught in the explosion or you will be sent flying through the level. Also if you are closer to the city, this sometimes causes one or two police cars to come at you. There are a few of these capsules also at the junkyard. The same can be done with gas trucks in the junk yard or the gas tanks in the gas station near the junk yard.

Defeating Megatron

Megatron is the final opponent in the Autobots storyline. He will first be in his jet form and shoot two rounds at you. Use your shield to avoid them. After firing two rounds, he will land. His next attack is ramming. You cannot hit him while he is still focused on ramming. When he stops ramming and stands up in one place looking around, pick up any car and quickly throw it at him. If not done fast enough, he will return to ramming. If that happens, wait for him to stop again. If done successfully, he will now attack you. Hit him in close range combat with your melee attacks. After a few hits, he will return to being a jet. After two rounds of firing, he will again return to the ground. In his second attack, he will use his ball and chain. Throw another car at him. If done successfully, he will attack you again. Use melee attacks on him. He will then become a jet and fire at you again after a few hits. Do the same as before to avoid the attack. After firing at you, he will go back to the ground. His third attack is the flamethrower. Be careful because it will be difficult to get cars to throw at him. When he is hit by a car you threw, he will attack again. Use melee attacks on him. For the last time, he will become a jet again. Use the same strategy used earlier to avoid the attack. He will land after a few hits and attack you with all the attacks he used previously. Throw cars at him after each attack. After that, you will fight him for the final time. Use melee to defeat him.

Defeating the cement truck Decepticon

When you are fighting the cement truck Decepticon as Ironhide, transform and run him over to knock him down. Then, pick him up and throw him.

Defeating the Decepticon with a hose

During the mission when you are Ironhide and help Jazz at housing estate south, there is a Decepticon with a hose. You cannot hit him with melee attacks until you throw something at him. After that, you can pick him up, or when he gets up you can use melee attacks.

Easy Sharp Shooter achievement

Take out all of the jets, then pick up the things they left behind. This is much easier than destroying one then going to pick it up.

G1 Megatron

Collect all the Decepticon symbols.

G1 Optimus Prime

Collect all the Autobot symbols.

G1 RoboVison Optimus Prime

Complete the Autobot campaign.



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