Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Vesperia

Tales of Vesperia

The debut of the Tales series on the Playstation 3, Tales of Vesperia launches the series to new heights of interactive narrative and engrossing gameplay with incredible anime-style graphics, a captivating storyline and characters as well as an upgraded battle system. Set in a world reliant on a mysterious ancient technology known as "blastia," the game follows former knight Yuri as he delves into a shadowy plot to use these magical devices to control civilization, or destroy it.


Tales of Vesperia

The debut of the Tales series on the Playstation 3, Tales of Vesperia launches the series to new heights of interactive narrative and engrossing gameplay with incredible anime-style graphics, a captivating storyline and characters as well as an upgraded battle system. Set in a world reliant on a mysterious ancient technology known as "blastia," the game follows former knight Yuri as he delves into a shadowy plot to use these magical devices to control civilization, or destroy it.

Bandai Namco Games, Namco Bandai Games
Bandai Namco Games
Role-Playing > Japanese-Style
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Achievements (SPOILERS)

Do the following task to unlock the achievement and it's alloted gamerscore.

How to Unlock
Ahhh, Memories (30)
Cleared EX Dungeon
Back up Plan (10)
Save at all Save Points
Big Game Greenhorn (20)
First Giganto Monster Defeated
Big Game Hunter (50)
Killed all Giganto Monsters
Bunny Guild Member (10)
Wear Bunny Attachments with all 4 characters in your party for 5 hours
Character Study (10)
View all Skits
Defeated The Adephagos (200)
Part 3 Clear (Game Clear)
Ended Alexei's Ambitions (150)
Part 2 Clear
Eureka! (10)
First Synthesis
First Strike (20)
First Fatal Strike
Grand Battles (10)
Killed 1000 Enemies
Item Nerd (30)
Completed Collector's Book
Jackpot (10)
100,000 Chips Won
Little Mad Scientist (10)
Synthesized 20 Times
Low Level Challenger (10)
Defeated Barbos at Level 15 or Lower
Map Nerd (50)
Completed World Map
Monster Nerd (30)
Completed Monster Book
No More Grinding (10)
Max Level (200)
Piggybank (10)
Possess 10,000,000 Gald
Recovered The Aque Blastia (100)
Part 1 Clear
Secret Mission 1 (5)
Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 1 (Defeated Zagi while protecting Estellise from Zagi's attacks.)
Secret Mission 10 (5)
Secret Mission: Outbreaker (VS. Outbreaker. You destroyed the core and prevented magic from inverting day and night.)
Secret Mission 11 (5)
Secret Mission: Belius (VS. Belius. You lit up all candlesticks and eliminated the illusions.)
Secret Mission 12 (5)
Secret Mission: Tison & Nan (VS. Nan and Tison. Timed your strikes between their attacks and knocked them down.)
Secret Mission 13 (5)
Secret Mission: Schwann (VS. Schwann. Downed him by attacking when he was clutching his heart after his mystic arte.)
Secret Mission 14 (5)
Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 4 (Fourth battle VS. Zagi. Used Karol's Nice Recovery Smash arte to force him to recover from poison.)
Secret Mission 15 (5)
Secret Mission: Baitojoh (VS. Baitojoh. Hit it 3 times during it's Ice Edge attack and fished it out of the water.)
Secret Mission 16 (5)
Secret Mission: Estellise (VS. Estillise. Used the item, Mother's Momento.)
Secret Mission 17 (5)
Secret Mission: Yeager (VS. Yeager. Made his heart explode using Raven's Rain arte.)
Secret Mission 18 (5)
Secret Mission: Alexei (VS. Alexi. Downed him by attacking when he was tired after his mystic arte.)
Secret Mission 19 (5)
Secret Mission: Gusios Fight 2 (Attacked his tail, then downed him with a close attack while his feet were raised.)
Secret Mission 2 (5)
Secret Mission: Golem (Downed Goliath by attacking its Achilles' heel while it charged X buster.)
Secret Mission 20 (5)
Secret Mission: Khroma (VS. Khroma. Downed her by timing your strikes between certain of her attacks.)
Secret Mission 21 (5)
Secret Mission: Flynn (VS. Flynn. He used every arte he could, including a mystic arte.)
Secret Mission 22 (5)
Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 5 (Fifth Battle VS. Zagi. Downed him by attacking after he becomes exhausted from Blastia Bane.
Secret Mission 23 (5)
Secret Mission: Duke Fight 2 (Defeated Duke using a mystic arte.)
Secret Mission 3 (5)
Secret Mission: Gattuso (Learning from Karol's Experience, you used the billybally plants to stun Gattuso.)
Secret Mission 4 (5)
Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 2 (Lured Zagi to the side of the ship and knocked him overboard to cool him off!)
Secret Mission 5 (5)
Secret Mission: Gusios Fight 1 (Downed the Dreaded Giant when it reared back and left itself wide open.)
Secret Mission 6 (5)
Secret Mission: Gigalarva (Raven used Serpent to set a trap for the Gigalarva and prevented it from healing itself.)
Secret Mission 7 (5)
Secret Mission: Barbos (VS. Barbos. You took out the bridge supports, keeping him from calling out more of his thugs.)
Secret Mission 8 (5)
Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 3 (Third battle VS. Zagi. Let him absorb too much magic, destroying his bohdi blastia.)
Secret Mission 9 (5)
Secret Mission: Pteropus (VS. Pteropus. You defeated the Leader Bat and prevented Pteropus from recombining.)
Smarty-Pants (10)
Answer All Quiz Questions Correctly
Speedster (15)
Cleared Game in 15 Hours or Less
The Hit That Keeps on Hitting (20)
100-Hit Combo
They Call Me... (30)
Earn all Titles
To Points Unknown (10)
Travel for 100,000 KM (Outside of Battle)
Too Much Free Time (20)
Play For a Certain Time (100 Hours)
Vesperia Master (0)
Gained All Other Achievements

Grade Shop

After completing the game, watch the credits to the end and you will be prompted to save your game. After doing so, you will be sent to the title screen. The should be a new option called EX New Game. Select it and you will be prompted to load a save file. Select the completed file and you will be taken to the grade shop. Here, you can use the grade you earned in the game to purchase a variety of bonuses to use in your new game.

How to Unlock
1/2 Experience - Reduces the experience earned in battle by half.
10 Grade
10x Experience - Multiplies the experience earned in battle by 10. Very great to have.
3000 Grade
2x Gald - Doubles Gald earned in battle.
600 Grade
2x Grade - Doubles the Grade earned in battle.
3000 Grade
Artes & Skills for individual characters - Keep all artes and weapon skills for each character individually.
350 Grade each
Artes - Keep all learned artes for all characters.
1000 Grade
Battle Techniques - Reduces the normal amount of experience earned in battle to 1, but multiplies bonus experience earned from large combos by 5.
50 Grade
Collector's Book - Keep all collector's book data.
10 Grade
Cooking Skill - Keep the cooking skill levels for all characters.
50 Grade
Craft Skill - Keep synthesis skill level.
10 Grade
Decrease Max HP - All characters start with 20 percent less max HP than usual.
10 Grade
Double Experience - Doubles the experience earned in battle.
1000 Grade
Enemy Book - Keep all enemy book data.
10 Grade
Gald - Keep all of the gald you earned.
1000 Grade
Increase Item Drop Rate - Doubles the chance of finding items after battle.
1000 Grade
Increase Max HP - All characters start with 20 percent more max HP than usual.
500 Grade
Increase Max TP - All characters start with 20 percent less max TP than usual.
10 Grade
Increase Max TP - All characters start with 20 percent more max TP than usual.
500 Grade
Increase Over Limit - The overlimit gauge fills faster, and enemies use overlimit more often.
1000 Grade
Items - Keep all non-story related items and equipment.
500 Grade
Max 99 Items - Increases the item limit to 99.
400 Grade
Recipes - Keep all recipies you learned.
10 Grade
Records - Keep all data from the Record menu.
10 Grade
Skill SP 1 - Lowers the SP needed to equip a weapon skill to 1. This works for all characters and all weapon skills.
3000 Grade
Skills - Keep all mastered weapon skills for all characters.
1000 Grade
Titles - Keep all of the titles you got for every character.
500 Grade
Unlock All Skits - Able to view all skits, even ones you haven't seen yet, at the Skit Viewer at Nam Cobanda Isle.
1000 Grade
Unlock Battle Rank - Unlocks Unknown difficulty mode. (Super Ultra Godly Hard)
50 Grade
World Map - Keep world map data.
300 Grade

Repede's Body Armor Glitch

Near the end of the game, there's a chance to synthesis an armor called "Aer Fragment", at the same time, there should be 2 synthesizable armors for Yuri and Karol called "Mumbane" and "Mumbane Aer". Well, "Mumbane Aer" is an armor slightly better than "Mumbane" which needed 1 "Aer Fragment" (Repede's armor) and 1 "Mumbane" itself to synthesis it. Here comes the glitch, synthesis 1 "Aer Fragment", have Repede wearing it, then synthesis a "Mumbane" into the inventory. Now go to synthesis a "Mumbane Aer", a pop-up message will show up to tell that armor that Repede's wearing will be turn into raw material, just proceed, guess what? Repede just got an new armor which can only (suppose) wear by Yuri and Karol.


Once you completed the game for the first time, the following secrets will be available after you saved your game clear data which the save file will have a star in it.

How to Unlock
EX New Game
After creating a game clear data, the "EX New Game" selection will now be accessible where a game clear data is required to get this to work.
Grade Shop
Once you loaded your game clear data in "EX New Game", the Grade Shop will be available each time you start a new game in this mode.
Unknown Difficulty
In the Grade Shop, purchase "Battle Rank" for 50 Grade points.


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