Septipus: Tentacle Apocalypse

Septipus: Tentacle Apocalypse

Septipus: Tentacle Apocalypse

This 7 legged evil villain takes your most valuable possession, and you can't let him get away with it. Save the town of Follicles and bring back what was stolen. You must chase the mighty Septipus through his treacherous lair and defeat him. You are Follicles' only hope. Good luck brave hero.


Septipus: Tentacle Apocalypse

This 7 legged evil villain takes your most valuable possession, and you can't let him get away with it. Save the town of Follicles and bring back what was stolen. You must chase the mighty Septipus through his treacherous lair and defeat him. You are Follicles' only hope. Good luck brave hero.

Soulfire Software
Soulfire Software
Action > General
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