Scribble Defense

Scribble Defense

Scribble Defense

You are the Scribble Meister, a master of inks and defender of Scribbles. As their sole protector, you alone defend them from an unrelenting march of vicious Scrawls. Each puzzling level will challenge you to play creatively; deploy destructive towers to unleash powerful attacks, or kinetic towers to manipulate foes and the very paths they use to assault you. Hurry, the Scribbles need your help!


Scribble Defense

You are the Scribble Meister, a master of inks and defender of Scribbles. As their sole protector, you alone defend them from an unrelenting march of vicious Scrawls. Each puzzling level will challenge you to play creatively; deploy destructive towers to unleash powerful attacks, or kinetic towers to manipulate foes and the very paths they use to assault you. Hurry, the Scribbles need your help!

Elbert Perez, Microsoft Game Studios
Elbert Perez
Strategy > General
1 Player
Release Date (US)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Scribble Defense (Xbox 360). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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