Saints Row IV: Enter the Dominatrix

Saints Row IV: Enter the Dominatrix

Saints Row IV: Enter the Dominatrix

Enter the Dominatrix reveals the wild hijinx of the original vision of the canceled SR3 expansion. Steelport has been taken over by the Dominatrix and only the Saints can stop her from trapping everyone in a virtual prison! Includes behind-the-scenes commentary and the return of some fan-favorite characters.


Saints Row IV: Enter the Dominatrix

Enter the Dominatrix reveals the wild hijinx of the original vision of the canceled SR3 expansion. Steelport has been taken over by the Dominatrix and only the Saints can stop her from trapping everyone in a virtual prison! Includes behind-the-scenes commentary and the return of some fan-favorite characters.

Deep Silver
Volition Inc.
Action Adventure > Open-World
Release Date (US)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

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