Sine Mora

Sine Mora

Sine Mora

Co-developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and Digital Reality, and published by Microsoft Studios, Sine Mora is a dieselpunk shoot 'em up that provides a unique take on the genre, where time is the ultimate factor. Mixing classic shooter sensibilities with next-gen presentation, Sine Mora is a gorgeous shmup that appeals to both hardcore and casual gamers alike. Coming exclusively to Xbox LIVE Arcade, Sine Mora features over 60 combinations of planes, characters and time manipulation devices to complete every beautifully-crafted stage with scaling difficulty. All of this is set to an epic score...


Sine Mora

Co-developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and Digital Reality, and published by Microsoft Studios, Sine Mora is a dieselpunk shoot 'em up that provides a unique take on the genre, where time is the ultimate factor. Mixing classic shooter sensibilities with next-gen presentation, Sine Mora is a gorgeous shmup that appeals to both hardcore and casual gamers alike. Coming exclusively to Xbox LIVE Arcade, Sine Mora features over 60 combinations of planes, characters and time manipulation devices to complete every beautifully-crafted stage with scaling difficulty. All of this is set to an epic score...

Grasshopper Manufacture, Microsoft Game Studios
Grasshopper Manufacture
Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Vertical
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Nascentes Morimur (5 points): Promoted to Airman.
Lex Talionis (10 points): Promoted to Sergeant.
Tempus Neminem Manet (10 points): Promoted to Master Sergeant.
Salva Veritate (15 points): Promoted to Lieutenant.
Repetitio Est Mater Memoriae (20 points): Promoted to First Lieutenant.
Inter Caecos Regnat Strabo (20 points): Promoted to Captain.
Melius Frangi Quam Flecti (20 points): Promoted to Major.
Suaviter In Modo (20 points): Promoted to Colonel.
Fortiter Fideliter Feliciter (20 points): Promoted to Major General.
Dies Irae (50 points): Promoted to General of the Air Force.
Stercus Accidit (5 points): Fail the Prologue.
Sine Mora (5 points): Destroy everything in the Prologue and remain unharmed.


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