Simpsons Game, The

Simpsons Game, The

Simpsons Game, The

Simpsons Game, The

EA Games
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock

Bart's Outfits & Trophies

To unlock all of Bart's trophies and outfits, head to the game's main menu and insert the following password: Right, Left, X, X, Y, Right Thumbstick (press).

Futurama's Fry

When not doing a mission and wondering about Springfield, enter the police station and towards the back of the police station, not in a cell is a notice board, and if you look really carefully at it, you can see a picture of Phillip J. Fry from Futurama. It should be on a notice board saying he's missing.

Homer's Outfits & Trophies

To unlock all Homer-related costumes and trophies, insert the following code while browsing the main menu: Left, Right, Y, Y, X, Left analog stick.

Lisa's Outfits & Trophies

To unlock all Lisa-related costumes and trophies, insert the following code while browsing the main menu: X, Y, X, X, Y, Left Analogstick (press).

Marge's Outfits & Trophies

To unlock all of Marge's outfits and trophies, head to the main menu and insert the following password: Y, X, Y, Y, X, Right Thumbstick (press).

Walkthrough for Enter the Cheatix

1 Next Gen-erator

With your new grapple ability, press the X BUTTON near the grapple pads to climb the generator. Pull the two levers on the generator to drop a crate and a barrel.

As Lisa, bust open the barrel and use the Hand of Buddha inside to move the crate to the right. Use it to reach the next level where there is another Hand of Buddha you can use to arrange the platforms nearby. Move them into positions that allow you to double jump up to where Bart is. Now, use the Hand of Buddha to lift yourself up to the upper level.

Flip the lever and use Bart to grapple to the next lever. Pull it and exit the level as Lisa.

2 Music Area

Take out the foes and pull right, then the left lever. Use the Hand of Buddha to turn the knob on the giant amplifier.

Bart can now use the updraft to float over the gate and hit more levers. Hit them in the order they flash to switch back to Lisa.

Head right to find-you guessed it-more levers. Switch them in the order they flash, and use the new Hand of Buddha to turn the amp knob.

Bart can now use the air currents to gain some altitude in the middle of the level and flip another lever.

Use the Hand of Buddha to move the purple platforms into useable stair steps to join Bart. Go all the way back to the left and use the Hand of Buddha to turn another amplifier knob below.

Bart can now reach the upper right area and use the grapple pad there to hit the lever, giving Lisa a crate to work with.

Using the Hand of Buddha, move the crate up to your side, and then use it to climb up to the last lever and pull it to make music notes come down. Search around for any more Stacy Seals you may have missed, then move right, over the notes, and double jump back to the area where the three purple platforms are. Realign them in front of you to create a path out of the level.

2 Blood Room

When you come to a red lever, pull it and quickly hop up and above the saw platform. This is a timed mechanism, so be quick about it or you'll be adding more blood to the blood room's ample supply. Turn off the blood flow with the Hand of Buddha by tapping the faucet handle with your DS Stylus.

Cross the level with Bart and grapple up the far right side using the two points. Move over the zipline and pull the lever. This will turn of the nearby orange saw blades, so head to the far left across another zipline and through a gauntlet of saws. Make your way up to another lever.

Punch the barrel Bart dropped for you and use the Hand of Buddha to move the nearby purple platform all the way down to jump up to the conveyor belt. Use the next Hand of Buddha to activate the moving platform by tapping the pump with your DS Stylus.

Use that platform to get up to a grapple point and another lever, then tag team back to Lisa to move right, lift yourself up to a high, moving platform and hit the last lever. Exit the area without getting shocked or beat up too badly on the conveyor belt below.




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