Saints Row 4

Saints Row 4

Saints Row 4

Saints Row 4


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Saints Row 4 (Xbox 360). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Avatar Awards

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award.

How to unlock

Beavis And Butthead reference

In the "Breaking The Law" mission you receive the Pyro elemental. This is a reference to Beavis And Butthead. Beavis was a pyromaniac who used to say "Fire Fire" while watching things burn, and "Breaking the law, breaking the law".

Chronicles Of Riddick reference

Upon killing Zinyak, Kinzie remarks that "You keep what you kill" is a classic. This is a reference to Chronicles Of Riddick, when Riddick killed the emperor who slaughtered his people.

Dead Island reference

One of Keith David's dialogue lines is "I was twelve hours into Dead Island now i'll never finish it. I can't forgive Zinyak for that".

Developer room

Enter the Let's Pretend store in New Baranec, located in southwest Steelport. Go to the rear of the store and shoot the handle on the door to the right of the checkout counter. Enter the area behind the door to find a shooting gallery with pictures of the developers. You can also find a small but powerful pistol called the Loud Locust on a chair near the doorway.


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