Rumble Roses XX

Rumble Roses XX

Rumble Roses XX

Rumble Roses XX


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Rumble Roses XX (Xbox 360). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Easy win

Set the difficulty to "Easy". Then, set the "H-Gauge" and "Special Gauge" to fastest fill in "Options". Setting these options do not penalize you in any way. Note: This will unlock Gamerpoints fairly fast.

Get title matches

In single player mode, win fifteen single matches without losing, have 100% popularity, and defeat the other nine characters. Exhibition matches do not count.

Girl Partner. Huhuhuhuhu

When selecting a match partner, characters with histories (good or bad) will have something to say on the character select menu when you select the portrait but before you you confirm superstar status and color. Use the pre-match tag screens (exhibition is best) to determine the viability of the coupling. Wrestlers shaking their heads are a bad sign.

If you're in need of real help, select any two characters and enter an exhibition Tag Match (or any regular Tag Match, although these are not always available). On the VS screen, there is an icon corresponding to each pairing. The halo around the icon signifies a good match-up, whereas a lightning bolt signifies a bad match-up ('sparks' between the two). Neutral match-ups have no outstanding symbol.

Lady X and Lady X Subsistence

Once seven characters have held the championship belt, two reward matches will appear sequentially on the arena. If the sixth character to hold the belt was a face character, there will be three reward matches. You must first defeat and unlock their heel alter ego on the Skyscraper.

Lady X: Defeat Lady X in the Reward Match. She becomes available in the shop for 20,000 under "Others".
Lady X Subsistence: Defeat the tag team of Lady X and Dr. Anesthesia in a Handicapped match. She becomes available in the shop for 30,000 under "Others".

Maid costumes

Have each character go to Photo Shoot mode in the locker room to unlock the Maid costume for purchase in the shop.


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