Quake 4

Quake 4

Quake 4

The Strogg are regrouping and it is up to you as a member of "Rhino Squad" to deal them the final blow. The Quake 4 story continues where Quake 2's left off, with the half-man, half-machine aliens known as the Strogg hanging on to existence. Now you can join in the final assault. However, in order to defeat them you must become one of them. Quake 4 contains an all-new single-player campaign with many of the classic weapons and enemies from earlier Quake games, such as the nailgun, shotgun, and grenade launcher. You can also play in a variety of multiplayer modes modeled after the multiplayer...


Quake 4

The Strogg are regrouping and it is up to you as a member of "Rhino Squad" to deal them the final blow. The Quake 4 story continues where Quake 2's left off, with the half-man, half-machine aliens known as the Strogg hanging on to existence. Now you can join in the final assault. However, in order to defeat them you must become one of them. Quake 4 contains an all-new single-player campaign with many of the classic weapons and enemies from earlier Quake games, such as the nailgun, shotgun, and grenade launcher. You can also play in a variety of multiplayer modes modeled after the multiplayer...

Raven Software, Activision
Raven Software
Action > Shooter > First-Person > Arcade
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock the indicated number of Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Cheat code warning

If you want to get the Quake 4 achievements, do not use cheat codes. Once a cheat code is active the game will disable all achievements. If you have this problem on your saved game files, you must delete all of your current save files for the game and start again.


Bring up the Objecrives screen, this doesn't pause so make sure you're safe, then enter these codes in quickly. For the Never Die cheat, make sure you don't fall into an abyss.

B, A, X, Y, left, right, left
Ammo Refill
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A
Get Everything
Down, up, down, down, up, right, left, right, Y, X, X, A
Never Die

Fast Weapon Achievement

After you finish with the last tower (the Data Processing Security tower) go to lift just right before the level exit and save the game. Keep this save game alive so you can farm this file.

Pick a weapon in your inventory and exit the level. Upon loading the next map, do not change your weapon and proceed to kill the big monkey strogg enemy before you approach the tram and exit this map.

Simply reload the save game from the Data Processing Security tower and repeat the tram map with each weapon and you'll bag all the achievements quickly.

Full ammo for all weapons

While playing the game, press Back to display the objectives window, then quickly press B, A, X, Y, Left, Right, Left.

Hexen 2 reference

In the third or fourth level while you are on the huge ship getting briefed, the names of the different teams taking the EMP to the center of the Strogg base are Death, Pestilence, Famine, and War. This is a reference to another iD game, Hexen 2. Those are the names of the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse that has fallen over the world.

Multi-player mode

Complete the following achievements to unlock the indicated number of Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Private (Multiplayer): Get over 100 win points in ranked matches (5 points).
Corporal (Multiplayer): Get over 500 win points in ranked matches (10 points).
Lieutenant (Multiplayer): Get over 1000 win points in ranked matches (25 points).
General (Multiplayer): Get over 5,000 win points in ranked matches (50 points).
Basic Training: Play over 100 ranked matches (5 points).
First Tour of Duty: Play over 500 ranked matches (10 points).
Combat Veteran: Play over 1000 ranked matches (25 points).
Seasoned Warrior: Play over 10000 ranked matches (50 points).
Number One: Get number 1 on the All Game Types Leaderboards (20 points).
Top Ten: Get a top 10 rank on the Leaderboards (15 points).
Perfect Win: Win a ranked match without being fragged (5 points).
Bronze Flag: Get over 100 flag captures in ranked matches (5 points).
Silver Flag: Get over 500 flag captures in ranked matches. (10 points).
Gold Flag: Get over 1,000 flag captures in ranked matches (25 points).
Viper Squad: Get over 100 frags in ranked matches (5 points).
Warthog Squad: Get over 500 frags in ranked matches (10 points).
Raven Squad: Get over 5,000 frags in ranked matches (50 points).
Rhino Squad: Get over 10,000 frags in ranked matches (75 points).
The Golden Gauntlet: Get over 250 gauntlet frags (20 points).
The Best Impression: Get over 250 Impressive medals in ranked matches (10 points).
Your Excellency: Get over 500 Excellents in ranked matches (10 points).
Guts But No Glory: Get over 100 Assists in ranked matches (10 points).
The Defender: Get over 250 Defense awards in ranked matches (10 points).

Multiplayer Achievements

Play a Ranked Multiplayer game and accomplish a certain task to unlock these achievements for Gamerscore points.

How to Unlock
Basic Training - 5 points
Play over 100 matches
Best Impression - 10 points
Over 250 impressives
Bronze Flag - 5 points
Over 100 captures
Combat Veteran - 25 points
Play over 1,000 matches
Corporal-Multiplayer - 10 points
Over 500 Win points
Defender - 10 points
Over 250 Defense awards
First tour of duty - 10 points
Play over 500 matches
General-Multiplayer - 50 points
Over 5,000 Win points
Gold Flag - 25 points
Over 1,000 captures
Golden Gauntlet - 20 points
Humiliate over 250 players
Guts but no Glory - 10 points
Over 100 Assists
Lieutenant-Multiplayer - 25 opints
Over 1,000 Win points
Number 1 - 20 points
Reach number one on the All Gametypes ranked leader board
Perfect Win - 5 points
Won a match without dying
Private-Multiplayer - 5 points
Over 100 Win points
Raven Squad - 50 points
Over 5,000 frags
Rhino Squad - 75 points
Over 10,000 frags
Seasoned Warrior - 50 points
Play over 5,000 matches
Silver Flag - 10 points
Over 500 captures
Viper Squad - 5 points
Over 100 frags
Warthog Squad - 10 points
Over 500 frags
You Excellency - 10 points
Over 500 Excellents

Multiplayer ranks and awards

Complete the indicated tasks to unlock the corresponding rank or award in Multiplayer mode:

Basic Training: Play over 100 ranked matches.
Bronze Flag: Get over 100 flag captures in ranked matches.
Combat Veteran: Play over 1,000 ranked matches.
Corporal (Multiplayer): Get over 500 win points in ranked matches.
Private (Multiplayer): Get over 100 win points in ranked matches.
Lieutenant (Multiplayer): Get over 1,000 win points in ranked matches.
First Tour Of Duty: Play over 500 ranked matches.
General (Multiplayer): Get over 5,000 win points in ranked matches.
Gold Flag: Get over 1,000 flag captures in ranked matches.
Guts But No Glory: Get over 100 Assists in ranked matches.
Number One: Get number 1 on the Leaderboards.
Perfect Win: Win a ranked match without being fragged.
Raven Squad: Get over 5,000 frags in ranked matches.
Rhino Squad: Get over 10,000 frags in ranked matches.
Seasoned Warrior: Play over 1,0000 ranked matches.
Silver Flag: Get over 500 flag captures in ranked matches.
The Best Impression: Get over 250 Impressive medals in ranked matches.
The Defender: Get over 250 Defense awards in ranked matches.
The Golden Gauntlet: Get over 250 gauntlet frags.
Top Ten: Get a top 10 rank on the Leaderboards.
Viper Squad: Get over 100 frags in ranked matches.
Warthog Squad: Get over 500 frags in ranked matches.
Your Excellency: Get over 500 Excellents in ranked matches.


You need four people, two on each team for this trick. Set the game to Arena CTF Endurance. The person who wants the points must score nine flags and achieve an in-game score of 101. Then, have his partner kill himself 100 times. Once this is done, the person who wanted the points will have 3,300 points. Let the timer run out and the points will register. Note: Do not score the last flag or the points will reset.



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