
Controlling a mysterious figure that has inherited the legacy of the evil, long-dead Overlord, the player emerges, near death, from the ruins of the old Overlord's Dark Tower. Only the player's actions determine if they will rise to become the new all-powerful Overlord; it's all down to how much of a bad ass they want to be in order to succeed...evil or really evil! Played out with plenty of black humour and dark irony, the game immerses players in twisted parodies of classic fantasy scenarios and characters. Overlord's key innovation is the introduction of an array of impish creatures the...
Controlling a mysterious figure that has inherited the legacy of the evil, long-dead Overlord, the player emerges, near death, from the ruins of the old Overlord's Dark Tower. Only the player's actions determine if they will rise to become the new all-powerful Overlord; it's all down to how much of a bad ass they want to be in order to succeed...evil or really evil! Played out with plenty of black humour and dark irony, the game immerses players in twisted parodies of classic fantasy scenarios and characters. Overlord's key innovation is the introduction of an array of impish creatures the Minions. They believe you are the old Overlord reborn and will use their unique skills to fetch, fight and die for you. Throughout the game players actively control a horde of these gremlin-like critters and they follow your every instruction no matter how despotic or, for the Minions, life threatening it is.
Controlling a mysterious figure that has inherited the legacy of the evil, long-dead Overlord, the player emerges, near death, from the ruins of the old Overlord's Dark Tower. Only the player's actions determine if they will rise to become the new all-powerful Overlord; it's all down to how much of a bad ass they want to be in order to succeed...evil or really evil! Played out with plenty of black humour and dark irony, the game immerses players in twisted parodies of classic fantasy scenarios and characters. Overlord's key innovation is the introduction of an array of impish creatures the...
Controlling a mysterious figure that has inherited the legacy of the evil, long-dead Overlord, the player emerges, near death, from the ruins of the old Overlord's Dark Tower. Only the player's actions determine if they will rise to become the new all-powerful Overlord; it's all down to how much of a bad ass they want to be in order to succeed...evil or really evil! Played out with plenty of black humour and dark irony, the game immerses players in twisted parodies of classic fantasy scenarios and characters. Overlord's key innovation is the introduction of an array of impish creatures the Minions. They believe you are the old Overlord reborn and will use their unique skills to fetch, fight and die for you. Throughout the game players actively control a horde of these gremlin-like critters and they follow your every instruction no matter how despotic or, for the Minions, life threatening it is.
Triumph Studios, Codemasters
Triumph Studios
Action Adventure > General
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
Cheat Codes/Hints
Guard duty
Always have blue minions on guard duty by holding RB and pressing X, Y. While on a guard post, they will actively run into the combat, grab a fallen peer, and drag their half conscious form over to you so they can revive their fallen comrade. However, while not assigned, they will wait for you to micromanage them over to the body by sweeping, making them almost useless in a large battle.
Hidden treasure
Coming out of the east gate of spree there will be a tower right in front of you kill all the halflings there and turn as if your going up the tower and to the rite there will be a small path with 2 chests behind the tower.
Low evil and obtaining servants
You may have heard that to get the servants u must take the food of spree and be the supresser of spree all u must do is kill 7-10 residents and give them their food when all said and done you will only have 10% evil.
Missing troll
At the beginning of the game during the quest for saving the peasents from the slave camp go past Spree and and keep going forward when you come to the bridge kill the Halflings and go down the path to the right.There will be a gate with a lot of halflings around kills the 1s on the tower and the 1s in front of the gate but DO NOT TURN THE WHEEL to the right of the
gate will be an alcove in the trees kill the halflings here before you turn the wheel or there will be a troll that comes out but if you kill all the halflings there will be no troll and it saves minons and health.
Pumpkin hat
Go to Spree or get just outside of Melvin's Kitchen. Smash some pumpkins and eventually minions without hats will pick up a pumpkin and wear it on their heads.
Skipping the first troll
On Legendary, the first troll is very hard and consumes alot of minions. There's an easy way to completely skip him (Make sure you have 10 minions):
Head straight to the troll, and you'll get the cutscene of him getting ready to face you. After that, send all of your minions to open the gate where the crane is, and rush there (the troll will probably kill a few of your minions as they open the gate, but that's better than wasting 20 - 40 minions trying to kill him and also, if the troll is blocking the path, simple lead him away and head through the gate).
Once done, go to the crane and an autosave will occur. This is where the trick comes in: That autosave assumes you defeated the troll as you went further than you were suppose to, therefore, simply leave the area and come back, you'll find the troll has vanished as the game thinks he has been defeated.
When there is water in front of you or blocking your path, only you can walk through it. If your goblin minions go out of the shallow end of the water they will drown, and can only be saved by blue goblins. Instead of guiding your goblin minions across a complex path to keep out of the water (which they usually fall in anyway and drown), simply walk through the water. Your minions are smart enough not to follow you and will automatically seek the easiest path to get back to you. As long as you leave the Right Analog-stick untouched, they will not enter the water. Be careful; sometimes your minions cannot get through because a bridge needs to be activated (for example, Blue Goblin Cave).