


Controlling a mysterious figure that has inherited the legacy of the evil, long-dead Overlord, the player emerges, near death, from the ruins of the old Overlord's Dark Tower. Only the player's actions determine if they will rise to become the new all-powerful Overlord; it's all down to how much of a bad ass they want to be in order to succeed...evil or really evil! Played out with plenty of black humour and dark irony, the game immerses players in twisted parodies of classic fantasy scenarios and characters. Overlord's key innovation is the introduction of an array of impish creatures the...



Controlling a mysterious figure that has inherited the legacy of the evil, long-dead Overlord, the player emerges, near death, from the ruins of the old Overlord's Dark Tower. Only the player's actions determine if they will rise to become the new all-powerful Overlord; it's all down to how much of a bad ass they want to be in order to succeed...evil or really evil! Played out with plenty of black humour and dark irony, the game immerses players in twisted parodies of classic fantasy scenarios and characters. Overlord's key innovation is the introduction of an array of impish creatures the...

Triumph Studios, Codemasters
Triumph Studios
Action Adventure > General
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock

DLC Achievements

How to unlock

Easy "Minion Multitude" achievement

Enter the dungeon with an ultimately imbued Arcanium Sword and Armor. For the sword, do not balance your minion sacrifices in order to get a little bit of everything. Focus on increasing the damage (brown minions) and a small amount of the green minions to do lots of damage with the power blow. For the armor, do not balance out your minion sacrifices to get a little bit of everything. Focus on increasing the defense (brown minions) and a small amount of the green minions to regenerate life slowly. Do not take any minions with you. When you go into the dungeon, approach each group of enemies slowly to face only a few at a time. When your health gets low, run away and regenerate.

Easy life force

The easiest way to obtain life force of all colors is to use the dungeon.

Battler Beetle = 75 brown lifeforce first found outside Castle Spree.
Magma Beetle =75 red lifeforce first found outside Castle Spree.
Puff Beetle =75 green life force first found Viridian Caverns.
Dazzler beetle =75 blue life force first found Moist Hollows.

Best obtained with great armor of any kind and a horde of mostly reds with some blues.

Easy life force

Go to the tower dungeon and use the staged fights to earn lifeforce. Use a mix of minions to set ambushes and revive losses. Note: You cannot use spells.

Easy Max Imbued gear

Forge a piece of gear without imbuing anything into it, then, go to upgrade it, put as many minions into it as you want and as soon as the animation starts but before any minions jump into the smelter, hit start to pause the game and exit, when you come back, the minions will have been imbued, but won't have been taken from your supply. Makes it real easy to get the Ultimate gear achievements.

Easy Rollie Boss battle

Target-lock onto Rollie and start to circle him while he prepares attacks. After he attacks you should be able to get directly behind him while he pauses and circle up to his side. Stand against the tank treads on his side and start hacking away at him. He will not move or try to attack you. You can defeat him in each phase of his battle this way and it requires no minions to do so.

Easy soul gathering

In order to do this you must have fought Dazzler Beetles (found in the blue minion cave), Puff Beetles (Evernight), Magma Beetles (outside of Heavens Peak) and Battler Beetles. After you have fought at least one of each, they will be available at your dungeon. Go to your dungeon and choose to fight one of the four. The easiest way to take out the horde of beetles is to pull only a few from the swarm and take your time killing them individually. Green minions work well due to the fact that they are experts at overwhelming and killing your enemies. Set a marker for them to wait at and they will eventually turn invisible. Pull a few beetles and make them follow you to the marker, where your minions will then jump on them and eventually kill them. Battler Beetles are good for getting Brown souls. Puff Beetles are good for getting Green souls. Magma Beetles give red souls and Dazzler beetles give blue souls. You should get at least 75 souls each time you completely kill all of the beetles that are in the dungeon.

Use the following trick for fast green minion soul gathering. When you find the green minion hive you will see five green minions jump into the spawning pit for you to take control of. Do not do that. Instead, go to the tower using the gate beside the tree spawn pits to your right, then return to the green minion hive. Five more green minions will jump into the spawn pit and you will still have the ones from before. You can do this as many times as desired, but after you take the hive it will no longer work.

Easy weapons and armor

During the early parts of the game, if you die and have weak minions go to Halfling Homes or the village of Spree. Break all the objects to get new weapons and armor.

Free upgrading

Go to Forge and put up to 150 minions into your item. Pause game play when the sequence of the minions jumping in appears before any of them jump in. Quit, and when asked to save select "Yes". Resume the game, and it will have put the minions in but none will be lost.



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