Outpost Kaloki X

Outpost Kaloki X

Outpost Kaloki X

Everyone loves galactic lemonade ... which means big space bucks for you! How are you going to supply power to your lemonade stand? Better build a solar windmill. How will you pay for the windmill with no space dollars?Outpost Kaloki X is the light-hearted space-station tycoon game filled with clever characters and wacky storylines, where it's your job to keep the visiting aliens happy and rake in the cash! Play the Adventure Story, the War Story, or one of 11 different Scenarios.Chat with your patrons to find out what they really want ... and get hot tips on cool expansions. Complete...


Outpost Kaloki X

Everyone loves galactic lemonade ... which means big space bucks for you! How are you going to supply power to your lemonade stand? Better build a solar windmill. How will you pay for the windmill with no space dollars?Outpost Kaloki X is the light-hearted space-station tycoon game filled with clever characters and wacky storylines, where it's your job to keep the visiting aliens happy and rake in the cash! Play the Adventure Story, the War Story, or one of 11 different Scenarios.Chat with your patrons to find out what they really want ... and get hot tips on cool expansions. Complete...

Strategy > Management > Business / Tycoon
1 Player
Release Date (US)
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Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Outpost Kaloki X (Xbox 360). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Free Repairs

This glitch allows you to operate the repair expansion without having to pay money for it. This glitch will only work with garages or hangars.

First build the expansion and then set the drones to 0. Afterwards turn off the power and exit the expansion screen. Go back and set the drones to the maximum amount, without turning the power on. If done correctly, you'll have operated the repair expansion for free.

Gamerscore points

Accomplish the indicated task to get Gamerscore points:

Adventure Story Complete: Successfully complete Adventure Story mode.
Adventure Story Gold: Successfully complete Adventure Story mode with all gold medals.
Eight-Port Master: Earn a gold medal in The Eight-Port Challenge scenario.
Fed And Entertained: Successfully completed Adventure Story mode Chapter 8 (Military Madness).
Friend Of Wally: Built a habitat for Wally.
Honorary Fish: Successfully complete Adventure Story mode Chapter 10 (Deja Vu).
Marksman: Successfully complete War Story mode Mission 4 (Into The Warp).
Max Power: Get Max Power to help in War Story mode Mission 6 (The Attack).
Sir Protector From Asteroids: Successfully complete the Hammer Scenario.
Survivor: Earn a gold medal in the Survival scenario.
War Story Complete: Successfully complete the War Story.
War Story Gold: Successfully complete the War Story with all gold medals.

Secret Gamerpic

Successfully complete any campaign mission with a "Gold" medal rank to unlock a secret Spaceman Gamerpic.


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