Hold [Respect] over the stage until the title turns yellow. Note: #Reload stages are unlocked automatically with every Slash stage unlocked.
 Unlock all EX characters. The GGXX Slash stages will now be unlocked in hourly increments. After a stage is unlocked, you can play that Slash stage and the #Reload version. To select the #Reload version of the stage, hold [Respect] while selecting a stage and music, then press Plus. Note: If using a Gamecube controller, hold [Respect] and press Start.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Successfully complete all thirty missions in Mission mode.
Press [Respect] to toggle the "Reload Color" option and press [Dust].
Defeat a character's Black EX Form in the indicated level or Survival mode, or play through at least one path of their Story mode to undock that person's EX version. Note: Justice and Kliff do not have a EX version.
Play through a certain path in a character's Story mode to unlock a particular stage. For example, during Sol's Story mode, fight Ky to unlock the Paris stage.
 Highlight "Arcade" or "M.O.M." at the main menu and hold [Dust].
A new interview becomes unlocked after a certain number of game play hours is accumulated.