Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
 Enter any car meet. Look at all the cars present from the "Meet" screen, find one that has the Tune available, and purchase it. Press X and wait for the Showdown to begin.
Buy the Ultima GTR (2012) and fully upgrade it. Drive it to the long stretch of road on the east end of the highway that connects Nice and the Horizon festival. Once there, drive northwest along that highway at maximum speed, weaving between the traffic to increase your multipliers. After you exit the tunnel and the divider is gone, burn out or use the emergency brake and turn around to drive in the opposite direction.
Find all twenty reward boards in Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast And Furious.
Cameras will catch you at speed traps when you drive over 30 mph. Work with a friend to earn easy credits. Drive just over 30 mph so the speed trap camera notes your speed. Then have your friend just barely exceed that speed so that he or she earns some credits. Then, speed up so that you barely exceed your friend's speed. Continue repeating the process by swapping back and forth as speed leader. Eventually you or your friend will be given an additional 50,000 credit reward.