These are what you can unlock from Fifa 06 Road to World cup and how to unlock them. Theres 6 achievements in Fifa adding to 1000 gamerpoints.
By playing through the various modes of the game, you can unlock a wealth of extras.
Qualify for the World Cup in Road To The World Cup mode.
Run in the crease. When the goalie comes and tries to attack, pass and shoot it immediately.
If you are having trouble winning a game on this difficulty, let the other team rack up points on purpose. When the clock is about to go out, go into the in game menu and switch which team you are controlling. After the game is over the game will reward you with the Achievement Award as if you had won normally.
To earn the achievement for "Win On Perfect", select two teams, play on perfect, and if you are losing, switch teams before the match ends for an easy 50 Gamerscore points.
Complete each of the FIFA challenges in two different zones.
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Use this team in a 4-2-4 formation when playing friendlies or tournaments. Do not use this team in manager mode, as their salary will be too high.
Also try these players on your team:
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When with the ball, slow down and stop; do not press anything. Then, hold RT when a player comes from behind you. He will protect the ball and never get it stolen from him. This is useful when there is no one up front or just to waste time. Also, while protecting the ball you can move around them by running to the opposite side in which the opponent is trying to get the ball.. Try doing this move first with a strong player like Adriano and Stam.
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding soccer ball.