Full Auto

Full Auto

Full Auto

Full Auto


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Full Auto (Xbox 360). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints


Play through Career Mode to unlock the following cars:

You can earn any medal in the Boxed In event - Unlock Ardent
You can earn any medal in the Rod Rage event - Unlock Demon
You can earn any medal in the Swift Justice event - Unlock Enforcer
You can earn any medal in the Short Stretch event - Unlock Guardian
You can earn any medal in the Tommygunner event - Unlock Hitman
You can earn any medal in the King of Bling event - Unlock Honcho
You can earn any medal in the No Parking event - Unlock Hookzilla
You can earn any medal in the Monster Mash event - Unlock Kodiak
You can earn any medal in the Heads Up event - Unlock Magnus
You can earn any medal in the Laps of Luxury event - Unlock Opulent
You can earn any medal in the Toll 'N' Thunder event - Unlock Outlaw
You can earn any medal in the Bayside Brawl event - Unlock Phantom
You can earn any medal in the Raging Bull event - Unlock Rampart
You can earn any medal in the Trail Breaker event - Unlock Roughneck
You can earn any medal in the Shore Leave event - Unlock Streamline
You can earn any medal in the Heads Up event - Unlock TEC
You can earn any medal in the Catch My Drift event - Unlock Vulcan
You can earn any medal in the Killer Curves event - Unlock Wraith
You can earn a Full Auto medal in the Armageddon event - Unlock Warlord

Get Kills Easy

Two of the achievements in the game need you to get 500 kills and 1000 kills. Now trying to get to 1000 kills by simply racing normally will take forever to do, luckily there is a quicker way. Simply go into the rampage mission in the Training series and keep repeating the mission until you have got over 1000 kills. You should get 60 kills in every few minutes, so it doesn't take long for it to all add up and get the achievement unlocked easily.

Learn To Cope Without Using Unwreck

The unwreck feature is a very nice add-on to the game, letting you go back in time and fix mistakes is a cool idea and does help out a lot. However when playing on Xbox Live this feature is disabled, meaning that messing up once on Live can lose you a race, instantly. So play it safe and try not to use unwreck all the time, as it's good experience for when you start to play online.

Power of Boost

Once you have got your boost meter to the max you will be able to make your vehicle go and faster speeds by pressing the LB button. Tapping the LB button once will take away half of your meter, while holding it down will take away more but will make so go faster. In certain situations it's good to tap the LB button (when there is lots of sharp small corners, while in others it's wise to hold it down (like when on a straight road).

Power Sliding

To drift, or as they call it "Power Sliding", when turning hold down the X button. This really help get around turns if the vehicle has very low handling. Note: Don't hold down too long, or you turn around and mess up.


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