Fable 2

Fable 2

Fable 2

Fable 2


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for Fable 2 (Xbox 360). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

"Air guitar" statue

Go to Oakfield and visit the sculptor. Choose any town you would like to have the statue put up. When she tells you to do a pose, go to your list of Actions. Choose "Social", then select the lute. After finishing the pose, go to the town that will have that statue. If you chose Oakfield, simply walk out to Rookridge, then walk back out. When you get to the statue, it will as if you are playing and air guitar.

"Rescuing Charlie" quest

During the quest, wait until Charles asks you to help him open the tomb/coffin. After the Hollowmen start appearing, you can kill Charles, take his hat, and still finish the quest and get the reward. Alternately, you can just kill all the Hollowmen and make it to the exit with Charles and get a different dialog from his gran.


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock

Broken storyline

Note: The following glitch has been fixed with an online patch. However, it is still possible to encounter this problem during game play with an unpatched game. Go to Oakfield to speak to the Abbot. He will tell you he wants someone who is more famous. Do not leave the Temple or skip the conversation until the Abbot finishes talking. If you do, the Abbot will not give you the information to start the quest "A Bridge Too Far", and the person you need to meet to start the quest will not appear. The Abbot will no longer give you any information. If this happens in an unpatched game, you must restart your game. There is no more story progression from this point on if you encountered this glitch.

Confused dog

Go to Rookridge after purchasing or finding the rubber ball item and after defeating Dash. Stand in the center of the bridge facing the waterfall and throw the rubber ball as far as possible. If it lands in the waterfall slightly to the right, it will appear under the bridge out of view. Your dog will then become confused and will begin running in circles trying to get to it. To make your dog stop, punish or praise him. Note: Throwing another rubber ball will not work, as he will not see it.


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