Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
These are combo attacks using one class to inflict an enemy with a negative status then following it with an attack from another class.
First clear out your valuables via selling, turning in research, destroying, etc. Take whatever crafting item you wish to duplicate (I recommend anything from a dragon for cash) and put it into valuables. Go to any shop and go to the sell valuables section. Hit Y and A in quick succession. It will sell all, and bring up the sell how many window if you had more than one. Sell all with that too. Go to the buy back area and you will see DOUBLE what you had available to buy back. Buy it all, double sell as desired. Does not work with herbs.
When climbing steep slopes, take not of the other characters in your party. The CPU will select the optimal route. When someone reaches a good position, swap to that person, then back to your original character. Both characters should now be at that location. Repeat the process as many times as needed.
After reaching at least level 13 travel to the Hissing Wastes then go to the oasis at the far west area on the map. Kill the enemies there and collect the wyvern scales that drop. They can be sold for about 4,000 gold. Note: This is also a good method to farm experience points.
Search the indicated areas to encounter the corresponding High Dragon
Go to Crestwood to the house (village) with the locked door (you need require fine tools and deft hands perk)open chest and ONLY take the amulet.Reload the map(go somewhere else and come back) to refill. As long as you don't take the other item or hit "Take All" the Amulet of Power will be there.
Complete the indicated task to recruit the corresponding agent .