Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Explore a vast, fantasy world at the brink of catastrophe in Dragon Age: Inquisition, a next-generation action RPG, where your choices shape and drive the experience. In this upcoming video game from BioWare, makers of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age: Origins, you'll make your mark in an expansive, story-driven open world filled with complex characters, challenging combat and difficult decisions.A cataclysmic event has plunged the land of Thedas into turmoil. Dragons now darken the sky, casting a shadow of terror over a once-peaceful kingdom. Mages have broken into an all-out war against the...


Dragon Age: Inquisition

Explore a vast, fantasy world at the brink of catastrophe in Dragon Age: Inquisition, a next-generation action RPG, where your choices shape and drive the experience. In this upcoming video game from BioWare, makers of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age: Origins, you'll make your mark in an expansive, story-driven open world filled with complex characters, challenging combat and difficult decisions.A cataclysmic event has plunged the land of Thedas into turmoil. Dragons now darken the sky, casting a shadow of terror over a once-peaceful kingdom. Mages have broken into an all-out war against the...

BioWare, Electronic Arts
Role-Playing > Western-Style
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

The Wrath of Heaven (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
Opposition in All Things (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
In Your Heart Shall Burn (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
Here Lies the Abyss (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
What Pride Had Wrought (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
On Burning Wings (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
Doom upon All the World (100 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
The Brightest of Their Age (30 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
Beloved and Precious (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
They Who Stand (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
Speak Only the Word (15 points): Progress the story to unlock this achievement.
Saddled Up (15 points): Purchase or secure five different mounts of any kind.
Well-Prepared (15 points): Craft a weapon or piece of armor in single-player mode.
Customized (15 points): Enchant or upgrade a piece of equipment in single-player mode.
Commander (15 points): Complete a timed mission on the war table.
Trailblazer (15 points): Discover a campsite and establish an Inquisition camp in any wilderness area.
Sharp-Eyed (15 points): Find and recover a shard identified by an ocularum.
Well-Read (15 points): Discover a veilfire rune.
Skilled (15 points): Upgrade any ability once in single-player mode.
Specialized (15 points): Choose a specialization class. (Video)
Cavalier (15 points): Secure a mount.
Synergized (15 points): Trigger a cross-class combo with a character you control in single-player mode.
Botanist (15 points): Harvest 50 herbs from Skyhold's garden in a single playthrough. (Video)
Wyrmslayer (15 points): Kill a high dragon in single-player mode. (Video)
Decorator (15 points): Purchase any new decoration element for Skyhold. (Video)
Belle of the Ball (15 points): Gain the full approval of the Orlesian court. (Video) (Video)
Hard Hitter (15 points): Land a single blow in excess of 1,000 damage in single-player mode.
Master Builder (15 points): Craft an item from Tier 4 materials in all non-masterwork slots in single-player mode.
Master Alchemist (15 points): Upgrade your alchemic potions, grenades, or tonics 30 times in a single playthrough.
Dragons' Bane (30 points): Slay 10 high dragons in single-player mode.
Herald (30 points): Finish the single-player campaign on at least Hard without lowering the difficulty.
Inquisitor (90 points): Finish the single-player campaign on Nightmare without lowering the difficulty.
Stargazer (15 points): Unlock 15 astrariums in a single playthrough. [[More:Dragon Age: Inquisition: Astrarium Solutions : Video Walkthrough|(Video)]
Focused (15 points): Spend 10 points in a single ability tree with any one single-player character.
Well-Funded (15 points): Earn 50,000 or more gold across all single-player playthroughs.
Keymaster (15 points): Enter the heart of the Solasan temple.
Pathfinder (15 points): Discover a campsite and establish at least one Inquisition camp in 10 wilderness areas.
Liberator (15 points): Liberate three keeps in a single playthrough. (Video)
High Commander (15 points): Complete 50 missions or operations in a single playthrough.
Regal (15 points): Completely upgrade one throne. (Video)
Persuasive (15 points): Acquire 10 Inquisition agents in a single playthrough. (Video)
Veteran (30 points): Reach level 20 in single-player mode.
Peerless (30 points): Level up the Inquisition to rank 10.
People Person (15 points): Become friends with at least three of your inner circle in one playthrough.
Loremaster (15 points): Collect 250 codex entries in a single playthrough.
Demonslayer (15 points): Defeat 1,000 demons in single-player mode.
Invincible (15 points): Defeat 2,500 enemies in single-player mode.
Quartermaster (15 points): Complete 20 requisition requests in a single playthrough.
Marked for Greatness (30 points): Seal 75 rifts in a single playthrough.

Cross class attacks

These are combo attacks using one class to inflict an enemy with a negative status then following it with an attack from another class.

  • Warrior Stun: Impact Detonator (Warrior, Basic combo) followed by:
Precision Detonator (Rogue, Rupture)
Eldritch Detonator (Mage, Weakness)
  • Rogue sleep: Impact Detonator (Warrior, Rupture) followed by
Precision Detonator (Rogue, Basic combo)
Eldritch Detonator (Mage, Nightmare)
  • Mage Freeze: Impact Detonator (Warrior, Shatter) followed by
Precision Detonator (Rogue, Shatter)
Eldritch Detonator (Mage, Basic Combo)
  • Mage Paralyze: Impact Detonator (Warrior, Discharge) followed by
Precision Detonator (Rogue, Discharge)
Eldritch Detonator (Mage, Basic Combo)

Dragon Age: Origins references

  • Dagna the Dwarf is originally from the "An Unlikely Scholar" quest in Dragon Age: Origins. She is now a weapon-enchanter in Skyhold.
  • Connor was a small boy in Dragon Age: Origins. He is now grown up in Redcliffe.
  • At the end of the Mage Redcliffe events, King Alistar and Queen Anora will visit you.
  • Varric discusses Hawke's companions.

Easy cash/Endless crafting materials

First clear out your valuables via selling, turning in research, destroying, etc. Take whatever crafting item you wish to duplicate (I recommend anything from a dragon for cash) and put it into valuables. Go to any shop and go to the sell valuables section. Hit Y and A in quick succession. It will sell all, and bring up the sell how many window if you had more than one. Sell all with that too. Go to the buy back area and you will see DOUBLE what you had available to buy back. Buy it all, double sell as desired. Does not work with herbs.

Easy climbing

When climbing steep slopes, take not of the other characters in your party. The CPU will select the optimal route. When someone reaches a good position, swap to that person, then back to your original character. Both characters should now be at that location. Repeat the process as many times as needed.

Easy money

After reaching at least level 13 travel to the Hissing Wastes then go to the oasis at the far west area on the map. Kill the enemies there and collect the wyvern scales that drop. They can be sold for about 4,000 gold. Note: This is also a good method to farm experience points.

High Dragon locations

Search the indicated areas to encounter the corresponding High Dragon

  • Ferelden Frostback: Lady Shayna's Valley, The Hinterlands. Resistant to fire and vulnerable to cold.
  • Gamoran Stormrider: Crow Fens, The Exalted Plains. Resistant to electricity and vulnerable to spirit.
  • Greater Mistral: Emerald Graves (northern-most area). Resistant to cold and vulnerable to fire.
  • Northern Hunter: Crestwood. Resistant to electricity and vulnerable to spirit.
  • Sandy Howler: Hissing Wastes. Resistant to fire and vulnerable to cold.
  • The Abyssal High Dragon: Western Approach. Resistant to fire and vulnerable to cold.
  • The Highland Ravager: Emprise du Lion. Resistant to fire and vulnerable to cold.
  • The Hivernal: Emprise du Lion. Resistant to cold and vulnerable to fire.
  • The Kaltenzahn: Emprise du Lion. Resistant to cold and vulnerable to fire.
  • Vinsomer: Dragon Island, Storm Coast. Resistant to electricity and vulnerable to spirit.

Infinite Amulets of Power exploit

Go to Crestwood to the house (village) with the locked door (you need require fine tools and deft hands perk)open chest and ONLY take the amulet.Reload the map(go somewhere else and come back) to refill. As long as you don't take the other item or hit "Take All" the Amulet of Power will be there.

Inquisition Agents

Complete the indicated task to recruit the corresponding agent .

Connections Agents
  • Barter By Belle: Go to Val Royeaux. Find Belle on the lower floor in an outdoor store stall after confronting the Chantry and Lord Seeker Templars in Val Royeaux. Talk to her and she will join.
  • Enchanter Ellendra: Go to Hinterlands. Loot Templar bodies in the Winterwatch Tower area, then return to the Crossroads. Ellendra can be found in a cave. Have Cassandra convince her to join.
  • Fairbanks: Go to Emerald Graves. Speak with Clara in Argon's Lodge to get the "Noble Deeds, Noble Hearts" quest. Fairbanks will offer to join the Inquisition or become a Noble.
  • Florianne: Go to Halamshiral. During the quest that involves preventing the assassination on the Empress of Orlais, reveal Florianne as the conspirator. Then, return to Skyhold and use the throne. You can now force her to join.
  • Sky Watcher: Go to The Fallow Mire and rescue the soldiers at Hargrave Keep. You will find Sky Watcher near a Rift on the way out. Close the rift then speak to him.
Forces Agents
  • Clemence: Go to Redcliffe and meet with Alexius and Fiona early in the Mages alliance quest. Next, travel to the Gull & Lantern tavern and speak with Clemence.
  • Corporal Vale: Go to Hinterlands. Complete multiple quests there to save refugees and Vale's Irregular troops will offer to join. You can select a coin reward, increase your Inquisition power, or get them to join for a Forces agent perk.
  • Michel de Chevin: Go to Emprise du Lion and speak with the soldier near the village. He will ask you to defeat Imshael at Suledin Keep. Talk to the NPC before defeating Imshael.
  • Loranil: Go to Exalted Plains and travel to the Dalish Camp. Complete as many quests or favors as possible in that area. Once enough favor is gained from Keeper Hawen, Loranil will join.
  • Ser Barris: Go to Therinfal Redoubt and form an alliance with the Templars. Next, complete the "Champions of the Just" quest and Ser Barris will join.
  • The Blades of Hessarian: Go to Storm Coast and craft and equip the "Mercy's Crest" item. Enter the bandit camp and challenge the leader. Speak with any bandit after defeating him.
Secrets Agents
  • Ritts: Go to Hinterlands and speak with the Inquisitor Scout near the White Pass Camp to start the "Strange Bedfellows" quest. Bring Varric or play as a dwarven Herald to convince them to join.
  • Tanner: Go to Hinterlands and defeat Templars to find a note detailing Tanner's association with smuggling. Speak with Tanner with Cassandra in Redcliffe, down the path from the Chantry, to convince her to join.
  • Jana: Go to Crestwood. Bring Solas to the North Gate Camp to find Jana. Speak with the NPC. Solas will convince them to join.
  • Frederic: Go to Western Approach. Complete the Dragon Hunter Frederic's quest chain, ending with "The Abyssal High Dragon" and defeating the monster.
  • Alexius: Go to Redcliffe Castle and confront Alexius and work with the Mages in Redcliffe. Allow him to live where he will be brought back to Skyhold. Enter the "Sit in Judgment" sequence and sentence him to serve the Inquisition. Note: This requires the the "Arcane Knowledge" perk.
  • Servis: Go to Western Approach and speak with Servis to bring him into custody. You can conscript him into service during a "Sit in Judgment" throne sequence in Skyhold.
Inquisition Agents
  • Horsemaster Dennet: Go to Hinterlands to him in his ranch on the western side. Have Vivienne or Cassandra speak to him and he will provide a perk for the Inquisition.
Forces and Connections Agents
  • Lord Berand: Go to Hinterlands and speak with Berand at the Dwarfson's Pass enclave to start his quest. After completing it, he will offer to join either Cullen or Josephine (either joining personally or working for the Inquisition with his influence).
Connections and Secrets Agents
  • Speaker Anais: Go to Hinterlands and complete the "Praise the Herald of Andraste" quest. You will be allowed to select one of two options that will add her perks to the Inquisition roster "Spread the word…" or "Listen and gather…"



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