Dance Central 2

Dance Central 2

Dance Central 2

Get ready for the best-selling dance game on Kinect! With another killer soundtrack, the best routines and all-new multiplayer features, Dance Central 2 is sure to get your party started!


Dance Central 2

Get ready for the best-selling dance game on Kinect! With another killer soundtrack, the best routines and all-new multiplayer features, Dance Central 2 is sure to get your party started!

Harmonix Music Systems, Microsoft Game Studios
Harmonix Music Systems
Action > Rhythm > Dancing
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

How to unlock


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Certified Double Platinum (25 points): Get a solo score of at least 2,000,000 points on a song.
Star Quality (25 points): Earn over 100 stars.
Eclectic Taste (20 points): Play every song in the game in Perform It mode.
Gold Digger (20 points): Earn Gold Stars on a song.
Solo and Steady (20 points): Earn 5 stars on a solo performance.
Perfect Pair (30 points): Earn 5 stars on a co-op performance.
Finishing Touch (20 points): Earn a Flawless Finish on a song.
Hard Act to Follow (20 points): Earn 3 stars on any song on Hard skill level.
Dance Hall Legend (40 points): Earn 5 stars on every song in the game.
Bragging Rights (20 points): Earn more than 100,000 points in a Free-4-All.
All Over the Place (20 points): Nail moves in each column on the screen in a Free-4-All.
Chump to Champ (20 points): Go from 2nd place to 1st in a Free-4-All.
Vanquisher (20 points): Win 20 Dance Battles.
Proved Your Point (20 points): Win 3 Dance Battles in a row.
Targeted Practice (15 points): Customize your Break It Down session by using the "Focus on Select Moves" feature.
Teacher's Pet (25 points): Earn 5 stars on a song in Perform It immediately after completing it in Break It Down.
Slow Profile (15 points): Get a perfect score on a move after using Slo-Mo in Break It Down mode.
For the Record (15 points): Get a perfect score on a move after using Video Record in Break It Down mode.
Nailed It! (15 points): Skip to the next move by nailing a move the first time you see it in Break It Down.
Recapable (20 points): Get a perfect score on a Recap in Break It Down mode.
Working It Out (20 points): Play a 30 minute session in Fitness mode.
Survival of the Fittest (20 points): Log 5 total hours in Fitness mode.
Biggest Winner (20 points): Burn your first 100 calories in Fitness mode.
Thrash and Burn (40 points): Burn 3500 calories in Fitness mode.
Patience Is a Virtue (10 points): Listen to the entire background theme of the game in one sitting.
Endless-ish Setlist (15 points): Complete a playlist that is 15 minutes in length or longer.
Full Dance Card (30 points): Dance with every original crew member in the game.
Get the Picture (15 points): Upload a Photo to Kinect Share.
Latest Model (30 points): Have your picture taken 1000 times.
Shop and Lock (30 points): Unlock the alternate outfits for the 10 crew members.
Getting Ripped (10 points): Master Riptide's routines on Easy skill level.
Turn the Tide (15 points): Master Riptide's routines on Medium skill level.
Friend of Riptide (20 points): Master Riptide's routines on Hard skill level.
Def to the World (10 points): Master Hi-Def's routines on Easy skill level.
Hi and Mighty (15 points): Master Hi-Def's routines on Medium skill level.
Friend of Hi-Def (20 points): Master Hi-Def's routines on Hard skill level.
Forward Motion (10 points): Master Flash4wrd's routines on Easy skill level.
Flash in the Pan (15 points): Master Flash4wrd's routines on Medium skill level.
Friend of Flash4wrd (20 points): Master Flash4wrd's routines on Hard skill level.
Bit of a Lu$h (10 points): Master Lu$h Crew's routines on Easy skill level.
Lu$h Fund (15 points): Master Lu$h Crew's routines on Medium skill level.
Friend of Lu$h Crew (20 points): Master Lu$h Crew's routines on Hard skill level.
All That Glitters (10 points): Master The Glitterati's routines on Easy skill level.
In It to Twin It (15 points): Master The Glitterati's routines on Medium skill level.
Worthy Adversary (20 points): Master The Glitterati's routines on Hard skill level.
Photo Bomb! (20 points): Perform a Freestyle section with 3 or more people.
Fitness Fanatic (15 points): Complete an entire Fitness Playlist.

Additionally there are three secret achievements.

Dance Machine (10 points): Defeated Dr. Tan's army of robots on Easy skill level.
Minion Potential (25 points): Defeated Dr. Tan's army of robots on Medium skill level.
The Doctor Will See You Now (50 points): Defeated Dr. Tan's army of robots on Hard skill level.

Angel's Dance Central costume

Press Y, Right, Left, Up, X(2), Down, Y at the cheat entry screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Avatar Awards

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Avatar Award.

How to unlock

Cheat mode

Enter the "Options" menu, select "Gameplay Settings", then "Enter Cheats". Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. A sound will confirm correct code entry.


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