Cuckoo Crack

Cuckoo Crack

Cuckoo Crack

Your egg-laying skills will be tested as you fly your Cuckoo bird through the forest. Will you go for the lower, more valuable nests but risk your bird by crashing into trees? Will you play it safe and risk running out of time? Complete all five challenges and claim your awards! We warn you: this game is addictive and fun for the whole family!


Cuckoo Crack

Your egg-laying skills will be tested as you fly your Cuckoo bird through the forest. Will you go for the lower, more valuable nests but risk your bird by crashing into trees? Will you play it safe and risk running out of time? Complete all five challenges and claim your awards! We warn you: this game is addictive and fun for the whole family!

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Release Date (US)

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Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Cuckoo Crack (Xbox 360). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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