Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku

Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku

Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku

Uncover all the mysteries of Draculas castle with the full version including achievements, leaderboards, and multiple endings. Have you uncovered the true secret behind Draculas power?


Akumajou Dracula X: Gekka no Yasoukyoku

Uncover all the mysteries of Draculas castle with the full version including achievements, leaderboards, and multiple endings. Have you uncovered the true secret behind Draculas power?

Digital Eclipse, Konami
Digital Eclipse
Role-Playing > Action RPG
1 Player
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating



Cheat Codes/Hints


Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Rampage (5 points): Defeat 10 consecutive enemies using the standard weapons without getting hit.
Apprentice (5 points): Defeat 10 consecutive enemies using only magic without getting hit.
Weapon Master (10 points): Defeat 10 consecutive enemies using special weapons without getting hit.
Changeling (10 points): Obtain the Bat, Wolf and Mist transformations.
Familiar (10 points): Collect all five familiars in the game.
Demon Slayer (10 points): Defeat Gaibon and Slorga.
Bloodlines (10 points): Defeat Dracula in the Bloodlines stage without getting hit.
Warlock (15 points): Unlock/Cast all eight of Alucard's spells.
Topsy Turvy (20 points): Unlock the Inverted Castle.
Money Bags (25 points): Collect a bank of $100,000.
Seeker (35 points): Explore 200.6% of the game.
Belmont's Revenge (45 points): Finish the game, including the Inverted Castle, as Richter.


Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore.

Apprentice (5)
Defeat 10 consecutive enemies using only magic without getting hit.
Belmont's Revenge (45)
Finish the game, including the inverted castle, as Richter.
Bloodlines (10)
Defeat Dracula in the Bloodlines stage without getting hit.
Changeling (10)
Obtain the Bat, Wolf and Mist transformations.
Demon Slayer (10)
Defeat Gaibon and Slorga.
Familiar (10)
Collect all five familiars in the game.
Money Bags (25)
Collect a bank of $100,000.
Rampage (5)
Defeat 10 consecutive enemies using the standard weapons without getting hit.
Seeker (35)
Explore 200.6% of the game.
Topsy Turvy (20)
Unlock the Inverted Castle.
Warlock (15)
Unlock and Cast all eight of Alucard's spells.
Weapon Master (10)
Defeat 10 consecutive enemies using special weapons without getting hit.

Alternate ending sequences

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding ending.

Bad: Defeat Richter while wearing the glasses Maria gave you.
Best: In the battle with Richter, wear the glasses Maria gave you and defeat the green specter. Complete both castles with at least 196%, then defeat the final Boss.
Good: In the battle with Richter, wear the glasses Maria gave you and defeat the green specter. Complete both castles with no more than 195%, then defeat the final Boss.
Worst: Defeat Richter, but do not wear the glasses Maria gave you.

Defeating Galamoth

Galamoth is the giant monster in the Inverted Castle where you faced Granfaloon in the Regular Castle. You can defeat him without getting hit once. First, save the game. Once you enter the room, turn into Mist form and fly past him as he gets up. Hover on the wall behind him, just above the middle ledge. Wait for his attack to end then come out of Mist form as he finished Turning. If done correctly, you will land on the middle ledge and will be in perfect striking distance with his face. Repeatedly press [Attack] (whichever the two that has a sword.) Keep hitting him until Galamoth is dead. Give him a moment and he will step back and you will not have better luck.

Easy "Bloodlines" achievement

  • In the first area, hit the first lamp and get the cross. Keep hitting other lamps to get hearts. Get your heart level up to about 90 or 100 then start the fight with Dracula. He will first fire a stack of three fireballs directly at you. Before he fires, jump and throw a cross near him, then duck and hit the fireballs. They will disappear and you will not be injured. Dracula will do this attack two more times. He will then fire two large black fireballs at you. They cannot be hit with the whip and must be dodged. First duck, then jump up to avoid them both. Continue to do this until he transforms. You should still have a lot of hearts remaining. Get close to him and press Y to activate the super attack. You must be somewhat close so that the crosses actually hit him. Continue to do this until he dies.
  • In the first area, hit the first lamp and get the cross. Hit the brick wall directly above the cross-lamp to open a secret upper level. Upstairs, there is a lamp to the right containing a large heart. Take the large heart and go downstairs again, and repeat. Get your heart level up to about 60, then start the battle sequence with Dracula. After the dialog between Richter and Dracula, break the candles at the far left of the room. This will drop a Holy Water. Take the Holy Water and press Up + Y. This will activate Richter's "Hydro Storm" attack, which will make Richter invincible during execution. Additionally, it is extremely powerful and will kill Dracula's first form in one execution. It will kill Dracula's second form in two executions.
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Easy Boss kills

To kill any Boss rather quickly, equip the throwing knives and stand some distance away. Throw the knives as quickly as possible and you should deal a considerable amount of damage each time. Note: Olrox, Shaft, and Dracula will not go down as easily and Richter Belmont is immune to them.

Easy experience

When you arrive in the Inverted Castle, make sure you have the Shield Rod and the Alucard Shield. After acquiring these two items, go directly to the Clock Tower Rooms. Here you will find Guardians. They are a high level enemy but give out a large amount of experience points. Making sure your MP is full, equip the Rod and Shield, then press X + B activate the shield's power. It is now invulnerable. Walk into the Guardians with your shield. They will die instantly. Watch your magic meter. If you run out, hide in a safe area and repeat. If you are a level 28, you will reach level 61 within twenty minutes.

Keep Alucard's gear from death.

Note: This trick might only work with the "Start with 99 luck" code enabled. In the room before you encounter Death, there are three Wargs (giant wolves). Kill the first Warg them jump over the second one in the middle. Press Back and enter "Equipment". Remove the Dragon Helmet and Alucards Mail. Leave the Alucard Sword, Twilight Cloak, and Necklace of J equipped. Make sure Alucard is looking toward the left. Allow the Warg to hit Alucard, and he should fly out of the room through the door on the right, then fly through across the room with Death into the next room. It is important that you do not enter that room until you defeat the first Bosses or after that. Save the game at your first opportunity.

Never Ending Richter Fight

During the fight with Richter as Alucard you must equip the Holy Glasses and get both Richter and the orb controlling him close to death. When you have them both at low health hit them both at the same time to kill both at the same time. The easiest way to do this is with a bomb type item (Power of Sire, Pentagram, etc.) or it can be done with a regular weapon while they are close together. The battle will end as if you had only defeated the orb only you do not get the "Topsy Turvy" achievement and now you will fight Richter again if you enter the room again. If you defeat Richter again you will get the "Topsy Turvy" achievement but will be stuck in the room with Richter and Shaft as no cinematic starts up. To fix the glitch you must beat Richter and then exit with a library card and save your game.

Perform a 1-2-3 Slash attack

Jump slash an enemy, then duck and slash followed by another slash.



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