MX Super Fly

MX Super Fly

MX Super Fly

MX Super Fly


Game Pictures

Game Pictures and Screenshots

We are still searching for game pictures and screenshots for MX Super Fly (Xbox). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.

Cheat Codes/Hints

Balloon toss mini-game

Get the "Safety First" trophy.

Custom Zebra motorcycle

Go to West Valley Freestyle in one player mode. Go down to the basement and go off one of the jumps. It will take you to a place on top. Follow the way then do the big jump at the end to complete the "Brave The Vertical Drop" challenge. The "Trophy awarded" message will appear and you unlock the Custom Zebra motorcycle.

Easy first place trophies

Go to an exhibition race and set it to "Easy", players to "None" and laps to "One". Race the tracks that you need first place trophies in. This works on race trophies and freestyle trophies.

Easy height in Step Up event

Contrary to what the CPU will do, you do not need to jump over the bar at all. You just need to reach its height level. To do this, rather than trying to jump over the bar and risk knocking it off, jump using the other two sides of the ramp and just air up next to it. You will know when you have reached the required height when you see your score appear at the top of the screen. All you have to do now is stick the landing.

Easy money

Go to any tutorial and complete it. Return to the tutorial menu and select any tutorial. Immediately before you begin, press Start and quit. You will get more money. Do this as many times as desired.


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