Cool Spot

Cool Spot

Cool Spot

Charge, blast and hurdle through this fun and frantic adventure without losing your cool - or your shades! As COOL SPOT, you'll stop at nothing to rescue your SPOT buddies when they get snatched by powers uncool! Shoot the curl, get loco on a runaway train, and whip through a stomach-dropping rollercoaster ride in a carbonated quest to chill out your foes! 11 levels of side-splitting fun plus 6 bubble-bashing bonus rounds! In-your-face obstacles, tricky maneuvers and 360 degree Cool Shot fire range! Graphics so hot - you'll need your own shades!


Cool Spot

Charge, blast and hurdle through this fun and frantic adventure without losing your cool - or your shades! As COOL SPOT, you'll stop at nothing to rescue your SPOT buddies when they get snatched by powers uncool! Shoot the curl, get loco on a runaway train, and whip through a stomach-dropping rollercoaster ride in a carbonated quest to chill out your foes! 11 levels of side-splitting fun plus 6 bubble-bashing bonus rounds! In-your-face obstacles, tricky maneuvers and 360 degree Cool Shot fire range! Graphics so hot - you'll need your own shades!

Virgin Interactive
Virgin Interactive
Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)
Release Date (JP)
ESRB Rating

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Debug Mode

Go to the Options screen and press A, A, B, B, C, C, C, C, B, B, A, A, A, A, B, B, C, C.

Debug Mode

Enter the following code at the Options screen....

A - A - B - B - C - C - C - C - B - B - A - A - A - A - B - B - C - C

Then when you play the game you should be able to debug it.

Fast Levels

When you are in the game press Start then press: A, B, C, B, A, C, A, B, C, B, A, C+Start. You should hear a victory sound. You will get one of your friends and a bonus stage!


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