Baseball Star: Mezase Sankanou

Baseball Star: Mezase Sankanou

Baseball Star: Mezase Sankanou

Player, manager, owner... You can do it all in Baseball Stars! Make your own teams and leagues; hire, fire, and trade players; develop your players from inexperienced rookies into veteran pitchers and hitters. Play against a friend or challenge the computer - you'll never have to worry about being rained out again!


Baseball Star: Mezase Sankanou

Player, manager, owner... You can do it all in Baseball Stars! Make your own teams and leagues; hire, fire, and trade players; develop your players from inexperienced rookies into veteran pitchers and hitters. Play against a friend or challenge the computer - you'll never have to worry about being rained out again!

Sports > Team > Baseball > Arcade
Release Date (US)
Release Date (JP)



Cheat Codes/Hints

Getting 6 power-up points

When you buy a power-up for a player, the game randomly assigns 1 to 6 points for you to spend on your player's stats. Baseball Stars constantly auto-saves: if you bought a power-up, got 1 measily point and spent it, you can't reset and load the old save. However, if you reset BEFORE spending the points, you'll still have your money, so you can just reset as soon as you buy the power-up (and find out how many points you got) and try to get 6 points everytime. This saves you a lot of money, especially since the cost of power-ups grows exponantially.

This might damage the cart's battery save, so you probably shouldn't do it unless you're using an emulator (Note: don't bother using emulator savestates for the same effect, you'll keep getting the same amount of points)

Quick player powerup

Create a team, but don't spend any money on player development. Play League games against the SNK Crushers until you've won about 15-20 of them and have $250-300K.

Fire all the players on that team, then power up until you have 15 Prestige for every player. Put the overage into Luck if you get enough points to exceed 15...pitchers should power up under ''see other abilities''.

Now create another team (your ''real'' team) and keep playing League games against the Prestige guys. You'll make a minimum of $75,000 from the gate for ten minutes or less worth of work.

Regular All Women's Team (not powered up)

Select Create Team and then press down, down, down, down, down, right, right, right, right, right, right, right. Select "power hitters" and then change "WHAT IS A WREN?", into "A BIRD." Remember to punctuate the answer.

Team Alterations

Select ''Make Team'' from the menu and press the following:

Down, Right, Left, Down, Down, Right, Up. Select ''Balanced Team'' and press A
Balanced Team: A message will pop up saying ''WHEN ISN'T IT?'' Edit that message to say ''WHEN IT IS.'' Note: Don't forget to add the period.
Down, Right, Left, Down, Down, Right, Up, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up. Select ''Veterans'' using the A button.
Woman's Team: Edit "WHAT IS A WREN?" to read "A BIRD." then edit "WHEN ISN'T IT?" to read "WHEN IT IS." Include periods.



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