Pitfall 2

Pitfall 2

Pitfall 2

Here I am, Pitfall Harry, plummeting toward the dark thunder of rushing water below... and thinking of the night David Crane called. "I hope you're well rested," he had said. Too rested, I said. I was ready for action. He asked if I'd heard tales of the legendary lost caverns of Machu Picchu in Peru. Or of a roaring, uncharted underground tributary of the Urubamba River replete with waterfalls and deadly electric eels. "Yes," I said. He asked if I knew of the infamous, cursed Raj Diamond. Or of the recent robbery of gold bars from the U.S. Gold Bullion Depository in Fort Knox. And had I heard...


Pitfall 2

Here I am, Pitfall Harry, plummeting toward the dark thunder of rushing water below... and thinking of the night David Crane called. "I hope you're well rested," he had said. Too rested, I said. I was ready for action. He asked if I'd heard tales of the legendary lost caverns of Machu Picchu in Peru. Or of a roaring, uncharted underground tributary of the Urubamba River replete with waterfalls and deadly electric eels. "Yes," I said. He asked if I knew of the infamous, cursed Raj Diamond. Or of the recent robbery of gold bars from the U.S. Gold Bullion Depository in Fort Knox. And had I heard...

Action > Platformer > 2D
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