Navy Seals

Navy Seals

Navy Seals

A non-stop, action-packed arcade-style thriller based on the heroic missions of the world's most elite, superbly trained commando unit... the U.S. NAVY SEALS. You have a number of perilous missions to complete. Outmaneuver the enemy, destroy hostile missile sites, and rescue the hostages. You begin with the briefing. You may end with a victory... It's the middle ground that hurts!


Navy Seals

A non-stop, action-packed arcade-style thriller based on the heroic missions of the world's most elite, superbly trained commando unit... the U.S. NAVY SEALS. You have a number of perilous missions to complete. Outmaneuver the enemy, destroy hostile missile sites, and rescue the hostages. You begin with the briefing. You may end with a victory... It's the middle ground that hurts!

Action > Platformer > 2D
Release Date (US)
Release Date (EU)

Game Pictures

Cheat Codes/Hints

Door Glitch

If you press UP and A together simultaneously when you're going in a room it will start to glitch. releasing the buttons will return the game back to normal


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