Crazy Chicken: Pirates 3D

Crazy Chicken: Pirates 3D

Crazy Chicken: Pirates 3D

The splendor and the beauty of the Chicken Island would make it an ideal vacation spot - if it weren't for those pirates.

A one-legged captain, a gunner, a cutlass-wielding chicken and a treasure hunter... the island is home to countless perils, hidden extras and mysteries. The lords of the island are by no means willing to surrender themselves and their treasure without a fight. Crazy Chicken Pirates 3D is a point & shoot action game where you take aim at birds as they scurry through the island and plunge bravely into the waves for a desperate counterattack. You only have 90...


Crazy Chicken: Pirates 3D

The splendor and the beauty of the Chicken Island would make it an ideal vacation spot - if it weren't for those pirates.

A one-legged captain, a gunner, a cutlass-wielding chicken and a treasure hunter... the island is home to countless perils, hidden extras and mysteries. The lords of the island are by no means willing to surrender themselves and their treasure without a fight. Crazy Chicken Pirates 3D is a point & shoot action game where you take aim at birds as they scurry through the island and plunge bravely into the waves for a desperate counterattack. You only have 90...

Action > General
1 Player
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Cheat Codes/Hints

Cheats, Codes, Hints

We are still searching for cheats, codes, and hints for Crazy Chicken: Pirates 3D (Nintendo 3DS). We do not have any cheats, codes, or hints yet.


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